Other important Search Engines
- AOL NetFind
AOL (America On Line) search function based on Excite database
- LookSmart
One of the sites used by NetSearch (from the Netscape site) and the directory used by Altavista and HotBot
- Search.com
A well known starting point for Internet searches; based on the Infoseek database
- GoTo
A pay-per-insertion search engine. The more you pay, the better your ranking.
- Planet Search
Search engine which lets you personalize the interface and which returns detailed search results
- Snap
Based on the Inktomi database (like HotBot), it has an interface similar to Yahoo!'s. One of the sites used by Netscape NetSearch
- Magellan
Popular directory based on the Excite database
- WebSearch 2k
Young search engine with original functions, such as stats about how many clicks and search requests your site has received.
- MSN Search
The Microsoft search engine, based on Inktomi technology
- The "Big Eight"
- Others important Search Engines
- Meta crawler
- Search Engines in all countries
- Specialized Search Engines
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